99 ways to quell the pain residing in Florence

So you are now in Florence. And you find out that you are in a very boring town in Europe. You are immersed in an environment focused on conservation. You are surrounded by old stuff. Soon you find that Internet will not help you to find your way around (provided you manage to get internet at all).

Yes, you despair. To help you out, this blog will bring you 99 ways to quell the pain residing in Florence!

sobota 16. července 2011


So you are in Florence and nobody told you before that Florence has the WORST climate in the whole of Italy! Expect Asian-type of smothering, choking heath in summer. What to do when it is really smothering, chokingly hot in Florence?

Eat chilled watermelons!

While living in Florence is boring and awful, they happen to have one of the most TASTY watermelons in Europe. The best place to buy them is in any of the Esselunga supermarkets. Right now for only €0.35 a kilogram!

Enjoy your watermelons!

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